To view your product details in Zonrepricer, you need to go to your dashboard and select Repricer Product List under Zonrepricer tool from the sidebar menu.


You will be directed to this screen, here you can see all your product details mentioned below:

Margin: Total Margin Percentage is calculated over net profit divided by gross revenue. This represents overall margin that store has for the date range selected along with the change of Margin percentage for the previous period.

Expenses: Total expenses charge by Amazon per unit, this includes Referral Fee, Fulfillment Fee and Storage Fee.

Strategy: Name of the strategy assigned to the product.

Minimum Price: Repricer will not decrease your price below minimum price. Minimum price limit will be applicable on total price. (listing price + shipping price)

Maximum Price: Repricer will not increase your price above maximum price. Maximum price limit will be applicable on total price. (listing price + shipping price) 

COG: Cost of goods for the products sold, This means the overall landing price of the product which means which includes manufacturing and shipping price.

Your Price: The price of the product which is fetched from Amazon.

BuyBox Price: Current selling price of the product on Amazon store.

BuyBox Seller: It displays the seller ID who won the buy box of the product.

Amazon Status: It displays whether the product is active or inactive on its Amazon Seller Central Account.

Repricer Status: It displays the Repricer status of the product.

Action: The user can edit or view the product details from here.

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