To view your old repricing product details in ZonRepricer, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Log in to your Zonbase account, then you need to search for the ZonRepricer tool either from the dashboard or the side bar menu.

2. Navigate to the "Repricer Product List" page.

3. Use the filters and search options on this page to find the product or products that you want to view.

4. Once you have located the product, click on the action option to view its details.

5. By clicking this option, you should be able to view information about the product's repricing history, including the dates and times when the product was repriced and the prices at which it was repriced.

If you want to view more detailed information about the product's repricing history, you may need to use the "Export" or "Reporting" features of ZonRepricer. These features allow you to download a CSV or Excel file with more detailed information about the product's repricing history.

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