Q) How to create a shipping plan?

Here is a tutorial by Tyler on How to Ship to Amazon:


Q) Should we choose SPDs or LTL while creating a shipping plan?

While creating a shipping plan, you will be asked to select how your shipment will be delivered to the FBA warehouse: via

Small Parcel Delivery (SPD) or Less than Truckload (LTL). 

Small Parcel Deliveries (SPDs) consist of units packed in individual boxes and individually labeled for delivery. SPDs are an economical choice if you’re sending a few smaller, lightweight packages. 

Less Than Truckload (LTL) shipment combines individual boxes on pallets for delivery. The truck might contain shipments to other destinations.  Unlike SPDs, LTL shipping typically deals with larger packages. This means that bulky, sometimes uniquely-shaped freight can find a way with LTL shipping. LTL shipments are usually palletized and stored in a non-damaging space, making them a less-risky option for carriers.

Q) I have an individual account and I'm having an Oversize Storage Limit. How can I resolve it?

The best way to resolve this issue is to upgrade your Individual Selling account to a Professional Selling account.

Q) We are having an Oversize Storage Limit Error while creating a shipping plan?

Amazon storage limits are based on volume and measured in cubic feet and represent the total amount of inventory you can store in Amazon fulfillment centers. These inventory storage limits are applied to manage fulfillment center storage space better.

Individual Selling Accounts:

They have a set storage limit of 10 cubic feet, and this value does not change. Individual selling accounts are not subject to storage limit increases.

Professional Selling Accounts:

Depending on the following criteria, they may or may not have below storage limits:

  • Sellers will not be subject to storage volume limits for standard-size, clothing, oversize, and footwear items if they maintain an Inventory Performance Index (IPI) of the required threshold or above on either of the two score checkpoints.
  • Sellers will not receive storage limits if they are new sellers who have been active for less than 26 weeks or sellers without enough sales data to generate an IPI score during both of the two score check weeks.
  • The Professional accounts that do have storage limits will still have a minimum of 25 cubic feet for clothing, oversize, standard, or footwear inventory.

 Q) How do I get around Amazon's quantity limits or how to avoid an Oversize Storage Limit Error?

The only way to get around Amazon’s quantity limits is to use a third-party (3PL) fulfillment center or to store the inventory at your location until you’re ready to restock FBA.