First go to your Zonbase Dashboard select "Ad Manager" under ZonPPC dropdown menu.
In order to launch a new campaign, all you have to do is click on the " Add New Campaign" option.
So once, you start creating a campaign for your product, Zonbase gives you two options:
1. Fully Automatic - In fully automatic campaign, you just have to select your product, system will recommend you bids, all the budget you need to spend and then based on what you do system will automatically create five different campaigns for you. Fully automatic campaigns are basically for beginners who don't know much about PPC.
2. Semi Automatic - In semi-automatic campaign, you will get more customization as you have in Amazon Seller Central.
So if you have selected to create a Fully Automatic campaign, you need to put here the group name of your campaign, then you need to select the Product Lifecycle Stage like at what stage your product is.
Launch - It means that you are launching your product, you are building the awareness of your product, you are seeking for some visibility and some attraction for your product.
Scale - Scale means you have already launched your product and now you want to make some profit and you want to optimize your spend and all these things to scale your business.
Liquidate - It means that you have realized that this product is not working for you and now you have to get rid of your inventory because Amazon is charging you additional fees in terms of storage.
So, based on the product life cycle you select, we have backend algorithm that work accordingly. However, most of the Sellers use the ZonPPC tool for Launch purpose.
So after selecting the Product Group Name and the Product Lifecycle, you are now done with the first step of "Campaign Configuration", now all you need to do is click on the Next button:
Second Step is "Product Selection", now it will ask you to select the product for which you have to run the campaign. After selecting your product, you need to click on the Add Selected Products button.
So here Amazon is recommending you a Default Bid of 0.49 cents per bid but what we do is we just add 1 cent to whatever Amazon is suggesting to win cheap options. When it comes to Max Daily Budget, so if you are doing PPC for the first time so we always recommend to start with the Low Budget because spending too much upfront is not good always.
There are two options:
1. Start with Low Budget
2. Start with Zonbase Recommended Budget
If you want to get better results then you can Start with Zonbase Recommended Budget so we recommend 0.50 clicks for this particular bid so that is why Zonbase will be recommending a $25 budget.
Now you need to hit the next button, system will create five different campaigns on Amazon. So how Amazon does it, if you are doing PPC through Amazon Seller Central you will have to launch a campaign one by one, it won't give you the flexibility of launching five campaigns on a click of a button so where ZonPPC plays a very vital role.
So the system has created five different campaigns:
Auto - Amazon has auto targeting campaigns, we just have to put the default bid and the max daily budget and we'll let Amazon run our campaigns, they will select the keywords and all these things based on their algorithm.
Research - It takes the top organic product and the reverse ASIN of that particular product and then we add 5 to 10 keywords based on the search volume in a broad or like a phrase match so we can see what search term is working or what's not.
Performance - Performance campaign is basically an exact match so whenever a user search for that exact keyword they will see our campaign.
Low - The most frequent individual words, these go to the low campaigns with a phrase match.
Product Target - Available when creating ad campaigns using both Sponsored Display and Sponsored Products, product targeting allows you to target individual items or product categories to help drive consideration and sales.
What our system does it, it takes the niche, it takes the top 5 products and we target those five products in order to get the position into the sponsored section.
While launching the campaign, we do have some automations, by default which are checked in:
Automatic Keyword Promotion is based on the performance of a certain search term or keyword. The system will automatically promote that keyword into different campaigns and allocate more budget.
Automatic Bid Adjustment is based on the ROS and the ACOS of a particular search term. System will automatically up and down the bid.
Negative Keyword Automation if you are spending on a keyword which is not generating good results or sales for you , then system will mark those keywords as negative so that you do not spend anything on advertising for that keyword.
Enable Campaign End Date This is something that is up to you that if you want to add end date for a campaign then you can by enabling this option.
Then there comes a competing section and this section only comes when the product you are targeting already has some active campaigns. This section is very important because if you launch this campaign and you already have campaigns which are live on Amazon so you will end up competing with yourself. That is why it is recommended to pause all the old campaigns first and then launch a new campaign.
If you do not have any active campaigns then you won't get the Competing Campaigns section and you just need to click on the Launch button.
In Semi Automatic Campaigns, you need to follow all these steps the same way. However, there is one additional step there "Add Keywords" in which you can select the keywords you wish to target.
After launching a certain campaign what our system does is, it analyze the data for the next five days and based on the search term report or the data that we fetch from Amazon, it optimizes the bids, it does all the automation on the backend. All you have to do is analyze and our system will do the rest for you.