In Order to calculate the profitability calculation of a product, you need to follow the following steps mentioned below:

1. Download the Chrome Extension from your Zonbase Dashboard.

2. On the Chrome Extension page click on the "Install Now" button.



3. It will direct you to the web store page and then you need to click on the "Add to Chrome" option. (If you already have the Chrome Extension downloaded then you can omit these steps).




4. After you are done with adding the Chrome Extension, go to your Amazon account and search for any product for instance a Dog Bed, for the results to come up you need to run the downloaded extension from the upper right side of the chrome. 

5. As soon as the page is loaded, it will pull all the data which is already on this page, so this is the data for all the dog beds which were there on the Amazon page.



6. Now, you can click on any of the listings in order to check the profitability.


7. You can see the profitability calculator in the screenshot below.


 8. After getting the specifications filled in which is customizable as per the product, we need to calculate the profitability.


The rectangular area above shows the profit calculation, it turns out to be very helpful as one manages to change the specifications into their respective columns.

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