With our sales estimator tool, you can find out average monthly sales figures for any product ASIN. The tool is easy-to-use and will certainly come in handy when you’re trying to choose or launch new products. Here’s how to use the Sales Estimator tool.

  1. Go to Amazon and search for a product. Then, look through the search results to find a product that closely matches your desired product and open the product detail page.

  1. Next, scroll down and copy the product ASIN/URL

  1. Go to the ZonBase Dashboard and click on ‘Sales Estimator’ in the navigation panel.

  1. Select the marketplace your products are sold in

  2. Enter product ASIN/URL

  3. Click on ‘Calculate sales’

You can access up to 40 sales estimates/day on the standard plan and 1000/day on the legendary plan.