If you are concerned about incorrect feedback that meets Amazon criteria, you can request for the removal of the feedback by following the steps outlined below:

  1. Go to the Feedback Manager.

  2. In the Recent Feedback table, next to the specific Order ID, select Request removaunder the Actions column.


Amazon will remove feedback only in the following cases:

  • The feedback includes words commonly understood to be obscene or profane.

  • The feedback includes seller-specific, personally identifiable information, including email addresses, full names, or telephone numbers.

  • The entire feedback comment is a product review. For example, “The Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget.”


However, if the comment contains both a product review and feedback about your service, we will not remove the feedback. For example, “Seller’s shipping service was very slow, and the Acme Super-Widget lacks the sharpness and speed of the Acme Ultra Widget.”

Amazon might strike-through feedback in the following cases:

  • The order was fulfilled by Amazon: The entire comment relates explicitly to delivery experience for an order fulfilled by Amazon (FBA). In addition to the strike-through, the following statement will appear: This item was fulfilled by Amazon, and they take responsibility for this fulfillment experience.


  • The order was shipped using the Buy Shipping service: The entire comment is related to a delayed or undelivered order, which you shipped on time by using Buy Shipping services. In addition to the strike-through, this statement will appear, "The fulfillment issues associated with this order were not due to the seller"